National Children’s Dental Health Month Tips 4
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. In an effort to promote healthy eating, this year’s theme is entitled “Sugar Wars”. Limiting sugary foods and beverages is an easy way to reduce your child’s risk of cavities and decay and keep their mouth healthy. Although primary (baby) teeth are replaced with permanent teeth as your child ages, cavities can still occur and need to be treated promptly. Encourage your children to brush twice a day for two minutes to remove food debris and plaque for a sparkling smile. Below are some additional tips to maintain a healthy mouth.
Tips for a healthy mouth:
- Brush 2X a day for 2 Minutes
- Limit sweets and sugary beverages
- Use a fluoride toothpaste
- Don’t share utensils
In addition to brushing, flossing and eating healthy, regular dental check-ups are encouraged every six months as well. Along with routine dental exams, an exam by an orthodontist is recommended for children age 7 and up demonstrating any of the following:
- Mouth breathing
- Finger or thumb sucking
- Speech difficulties
- Difficulty chewing or biting
- Grinding or clenching of the teeth
- Early or late loss of baby teeth
- Facial imbalance
Often times many bite issues such as severe crowding, protrusion and spacing are easier to treat while a child is still growing. Typically full orthodontic treatment does not occur until ages 9-14 once all of a child’s permanent teeth have fully erupted.
For more information on National Children’s Dental Health Month please visit