Brace-friendly Halloween Tips

With Halloween fast approaching, we wanted to remind everyone that October is National Orthodontic Health Month and provide some helpful tips to keep your mouth and teeth healthy. 

¨ Brace wearers should avoid sticky and chewy snacks such as caramel, taffy, jelly beans and bubblegum.

¨ With sweets come cavities.  Avoid prolonged sugar exposure to your teeth by brushing and flossing after consuming candy.

¨ Exercise moderation in how much candy you or your children consume.

¨ The best types of candy to eat in order to avoid damage to your braces are soft melt in your mouth chocolates such as Hershey kisses, peanut butter cups and plain chocolate bars.

¨ Offer some orthodontic friendly goodies to trick-or-treaters such as bubbles, glow sticks or temporary tattoos.

If chocolate won’t curb your sweet tooth, check out the American Association of Orthodontists website at for some great Halloween themed recipes that are brace-friendly!

We know it’s especially challenging around the holidays to follow the eating restrictions given to you by your orthodontist.  However, it’s in your best interest to prevent broken wires and brackets and the need for emergency appointments.  Keep in mind that avoiding candy is a small sacrifice in order to have a healthy beautiful smile that will last a lifetime.

Happy Halloween!